Transport connections in Amberg

The Hotel Brunner is very centrally located in Amberg. This means that the transport links are very good. You can reach bus and train within a very short time. The train station in Amberg is only a two minute walk away. For the bus station of the VGN you need three minutes on foot.

Directly in the house we offer an underground car park with some parking spaces. Diagonally opposite the hotel you will find access to the public underground car park.

Transport connections to destinations in the surrounding area

By train you can reach the two big cities Nuremberg and Regensburg from Amberg. The journey time to both metropolises is about one hour without changing trains. This is ideal for trade fair visitors and exhibitors.

By car you can be on the A6 towards Nuremberg and Munich in about ten minutes. The A93 towards Weiden and Hof is about 15 minutes away.

Arrival at the hotel

So that your journey to the Hotel Brunner goes off without a hitch, you are welcome to use the following information page: Arrival.