Genaue Information

Wingershofer Tor times two

Just as with the Nabburg Gate, two variants of the Wingershof Gate exist. The first version was built as a result of the“Amberger Aufruhr” as part of the castle in 1454. A little more than 100 years passed. Then Elector Ludwig VI decided to rebuild the gate. The old gate was too much integrated into the castle. In Renaissance style, the new version to the west of the government building was finally completed in 1580.

Small but mighty!

The second Wingershof gate is a double gate, typical for the time. That is, there is an archway on the outside, followed by a gatehouse. For example, people, animals and carts can stay in them during inspections. This is followed by the inner archway. Here the Gothic pointed arch, already out of fashion at that time, is quite unusual.

Round dance of the gates

In addition to the Wingershofer Tor, there are other gates of the city fortifications that surround historic Amberg: